Product management

Go from early stages to an established B2B product

Sagewill provides you with the expertise to continuously (and successfully) deliver new capabilities for a growing B2B product.


Common product management challenges

Reducing the risk of release delays

With a combination of agile project management, direct feedback via client portal & weekly communication—Sagewill ensures rapid delivery with few delays.


Designing products for user-friendliness

Sagewill prioritizes user experience in its design process, creating products that are easy to use, navigate, and that increase overall user satisfaction.


Keeping product & marketing aligned

If you can't reliably communicate product updates to your audience, you're losing sales. Sagewill helps you keep communications with users steady.


Diving deep into product performance

Building a product is only half the job; you also have to track its performance. Sagewill does it with custom product analytics via Mixpanel and HubSpot.


How Sagewill helps you manage B2B products

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What you get with the product management service

Providing detailed product roadmaps

A product roadmap isn't just a wishlist of future updates—it's a pivotal asset. Sagewill develops roadmaps with realistic timelines, prioritizing high impact features.


Delivering features by priority

Not every feature is going to have the same impact on your business. Sagewill weighs the effort to reward ratio for each and acts accordingly.


Designing for continuous releases

Digital products should never stop improving their design. Sagewill's UX experts continuously implement and refine their designs based on user feedback.


Releasing new features consistently

Taking the time to map out each product sprint is key to consistency. Sagewill strives to deliver at least 1 major update every 2 weeks.


Pairing products with beautiful websites

Products need constant alignment with their marketing counterparts. Sagewill keeps your landing pages aligned with the latest capabilities.


Extracting the most value from your product

Implementing user behavior tracking unlocks a gold mine of actionable insights. Sagewill takes these learnings and implements them quickly into your product.


Visualizing your design system

A lot of design work is implemented once and then never again. Sagewill reduced this dynamic by documenting your UIs in a structured manner.


Telling the story of your product

The performance of your product's sales hangs on its communication efforts. Sagewill provides you with the materials necessary to facilitate them.


Sharing insights on a weekly basis

The Sagewill team approaches development with a friendly, face-to-face approach. You get videos from real people showcasing progress on a weekly basis.


Verified testimonials

Technology stack

Lightweight yet mighty powerful

SQLite has seen a huge surge in popularity due to its lightweight design. Sagewill specializes in Cloudflare D1 which is a serverless SQLite database.


The most portable JS framework

JavaScript frameworks tend to be bloated and rigid in deployment possibilities. Hono is the opposite of that, making it Sagewill's preferred framework.


Industry-standard UI development

You can't beat React's track record in frontend development. It's portable, fast, and intuitive. Sagewill writes all of its products' frontend UIs in React.


Unbeatable design framework

Figma is the king among collaborative design platforms. With its advanced capabilities, Sagewill will help you achieve modern designs that scream "sold".


Re-usable component libraries

A lot of great design work is used once and never again. Sagewill documents all your UI designs into a single Storybook for everyone at your company to (re)use.


Cloud meets the simplicity of PaaS

Cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure are powerful but very expensive and complex to manage. Sagewill favors Cloudflare as a perfect middle ground.


Why choose Sagewill?