Sviluppo applicazioni

Porta un'app sul mercato in meno di 12 settimane

Sagewill ti aiuta a trasformare la tua idea in realtà, concentrandosi sulle parti che ti aiutano a vendere: posizionamento sul mercato, caratteristiche uniche e design accattivante.


Problemi tipici dello sviluppo di applicazioni

Come sviluppa le applicazioni Sagewill?

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Cos'è incluso nel servizio di sviluppo applicazioni?

Understanding user journeys is crucial, but so is figuring out the technical details. Sagewill does a full audit of the necessary tech, associated costs & data mapping required.


Knowing what functionality to prioritize in coming months is key to your product's success. Sagewill starts this process early on, from the very first app release.


To make it easier for you to visualize the app's progress before it goes live, Sagewill regularly implements mockup versions in Figma for you and beta users to test.


Why build tons of design assets that can't be re-used? Sagewill breaks your application down into small chunks that you can re-use on multiple digital assets.


Thanks to a structured, agile approach to delivering software updates, Sagewill is capable of releasing a new version of your app every 2 to 3 weeks.


By designing a custom brand early on (including the positioning!), your app becomes a real, tangible product. Sagewill takes care of this for you.


Everyone knows Stripe, but Sagewill can help you integrate countless other providers like Paddle, Lemon Squeezy, or even HubSpot payments. The choice is yours!


The more your servers and integrations cost, the less profitable your product business becomes. Sagewill takes good care to choose scalable, cost-effective technology.


The Sagewill team approaches development with a friendly, face-to-face approach. You get videos from real people showcasing progress on a weekly basis.


Recensioni verificate

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Alcune delle tecnologie che utilizziamo

SQLite has seen a huge surge in popularity due to its lightweight design. Sagewill specializes in Cloudflare D1 which is a serverless SQLite database.


JavaScript frameworks tend to be bloated and rigid in deployment possibilities. Hono is the opposite of that, making it Sagewill's preferred framework.


You can't beat React's track record in frontend development. It's portable, fast, and intuitive. Sagewill writes all of its products' frontend UIs in React.


Figma is the king among collaborative design platforms. With its advanced capabilities, Sagewill will help you achieve modern designs that scream "sold".


A lot of great design work is used once and never again. Sagewill documents all your UI designs into a single Storybook for everyone at your company to (re)use.


Cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure are powerful but very expensive and complex to manage. Sagewill favors Cloudflare as a perfect middle ground.


Perché scegliere Sagewill?